Meet the Oh Doggy Brand Ambassadors - Kobi!

Name - Kobi
AKA - 'The Kobs,' 'Kobster,' 'King Kobi'
Breed - Samoyed
Age - 5


Favourite treats

Anything by JR Pet products! Kobi loves a good long-lasting chew, so JR Natutwists, Braided Lamb, Antlers or Lily’s Kitchen WoofBrushes are definitely his favourite!


Favourite Toy

For being such a big dog Kobi is a real softie – he loves cuddly toys which he carries around everywhere with him. However in saying that one of Kobi’s favourite toys is his Ovo Extra-large Eggs – he gets hours of fun playing with these on his own. His second favourite is his Kong Cozie Floppy Rabbit. He loves nothing more than to lie on his rug sucking his soft toy and then trying to put it on your lap when it is drenched in Kobi slobbers… lovely!



Kobi is on Orijen Original! We spent a long time trying to find a brand and type of food  that didn’t upset his stomach and he’s been on Orijen Original ever since Raw wasn’t an option for Kobi as his owner is a vegetarian but they find that Orijen is as close to raw as they can get!


A little bit about Kobi

Kobi is a very friendly and social dog – he gets so much joy from playing with other dogs in daycare and loves being out on adventures with his hoomans.  Being a Sammy he requires a lot of brushing (which he absolutely hates more than anything on this earth :D).  Even though he loves socialising and being out of the house exploring new places, Kobi is actually quite a lazy boy and is more than happy to lounge around the house and garden (as long as he knows where everyone is at all times of course)! Kobi isn’t overly food motivated so finding high value rewards and chews for him has been a struggle for his owner but Acana treats definitely helped with his training – his favourite trick is playing dead when his owner takes out his Harry Potter wand and says "Avada Kedavra."